Wednesday, August 17, 2011

5 Things I'm SO Over

A countdown for you . . .

5. Fedoras: This trend is EXTREMELY overplayed and annoying. The worst is people think they can dress like crap, throw a fedora on their head and voila, they have instant style. NO! It doesn't work that way. 

Photo Credit

4. Bun-topped heads: Ughhhh! Hello?! You are not a ballerina and this look does not work on all heads. Know your head shape people!!! Plus, I've heard it hurts to wear your hair all pulled up to the top of your head like that for long periods of time. Stupid!

Photo Credit: Vanessa Jackman via This is Glamorous

3. The sink hole in my neighborhood: It's blocking St. Nicholas, and a bunch of folks are without gas. Luckily, we aren't, but the constant noise, grit and hundreds of ConEd workers milling about is getting annoying. (You can read more about the gargantuan sinkhole here. Apparently is was a disaster waiting to happen.)

Taken just this morning on our way back from the park

2. Thick, dark-rimmed glasses: People, stop thinking you look like an intellectual with this trend. No, you look like an idiot! It's too hot to have those heavy glasses on your face anyway. I know - I wear glasses too. Mine are lightweight and stylish, yours are not!

Photo Credit
1. My building elevator is out: This is the 3rd time this summer that it's been out and living on the 5th fl this is PITA especially with hauling Nia and groceries. Plus there is no word on when it will get fixed either; they most recently said "immediately," but it's been out almost 2 weeks so far. Seriously?! This is a new construction building, AND this is NYC where you can get anything you want at any time of day VERY QUICKLY! SO annoying.

What are you SO over?