If you have been reading our blog (I hope you have), you know 'Q' and I have known each other for 10 years and will soon be proud parents of a baby it. I say 'baby it' because the sex of the baby has yet to be determined. Some parents-to-be say they want to be surprised when their bundle of joy is born. Well I say, Papa Agbai don't like surprises. I need to be mentally prepared for what's to come.
Check this scenario: In the hospital room, the baby is born, the doctor wraps it in a blanket and presents it to you. The doctor says, "Congratulations, you are the proud parents of a baby DRAGON."
Random and obscure? Yes, I know but it is also important. Had you known months ago that you were having a baby dragon, you could've read up on raising a dragon, learned how to fireproof your home and got advice from other parents of baby dragons. It sounds weird but that's how I feel as a first time parent.
Having a child is a blessing in itself, but for me, having a 'lil man' would be amazing. I always dreamed of giving my son his haircuts, teaching him how to play basketball, and having that birds and bees talk when he got older. But then again, having a girl would be nice too. She could be 'lil mama' and would be smart and beautiful like her mother. 'Daddy's little girl' would sweeten my heart. We should know in a month what the baby will be. Boy or girl, we will be ecstatic and proud. Hopefully, it's not a dragon.