The dr. scheduled me for an ultrasound on March 9 so we’ll be able to (hopefully) find out the gender then. I really, really, really hope it’s a boy. Either way we definitely want gender neutral everything so we can re-use it easily. We’ve started building the baby’s registry on It’s so cool ‘cause now you can do a “universal registry” and add items from any site you browse. It’s a one stop shop. Here’s the nursery bedding we like the most:
It’s finally to the point that I’m visibly pregnant instead of looking like I overindulged on doughnuts and cookies! Anyway, the good news is that Uka finally got to hear Baby Agbai’s heartbeat himself when he joined me at the dr.’s office the day he returned from Argentina which also just so happened to be our 8 month anniversary. The dr. said everything appears normal – I’m just a bit anemic, but then again, most women are anyway. Perhaps that could be why I crave red meat so badly. I went to Chipotle last week 2 days in a row. I had no choice; the baby told me to go!
Time for the Baby Agbai Report:
How far along: 18 weeks
How big is baby: (from At about 18 weeks, you might begin to feel a suspicious flutter in your belly. The professionals call it "quickening," we call it "baby's makin' waves!" Within the next few weeks, those tiny bubbly feelings will become more obvious. And soon enough they'll be unmistakably identifiable—especially when you (and anyone within 10 feet of you) can see tiny feet, elbows and knees moving across your belly.
Your baby's ears are now facing forward and are completely formed so she can actually hear you talking now. You don't need to abandon your potty mouth just yet, but you might want to start thinking about it! Other highlights this week:
This week is also the beginning of ossification. And while that sounds like some long and involved paperwork you'll have to fill out, it's really a fancy medical term for the hardening of your baby's miniature bones. And that's a good thing.
Your baby's nerves are making more and more complex connections. Her sense of smell, taste, sight and hearing are all developing. A substance called myelin, which makes nerve connections travel faster, is now coating your baby's nerves.
Your baby now weighs between 5 and 7 ounces and is about 5½ inches long—about the size of a pickle from the corner deli. (You're familiar with pickles, right? Your regular accompaniment to a big bowl of ice cream?)
Stretch Marks: Haven’t noticed any pregnancy related ones yet. . . just staying moisturized 2x day.
Sleep: It's getting more and more difficult. I toss and turn and end up with the pillows in disarray trying to find a good position :-(
Best Moment This Week: Uka getting to hear the heartbeat.
Movement: Baby Agbai is flip floppin’ around, and I can definitely feel it. We heard it moving during the ultrasound too.
Sex of the Baby: Boy, please.
Food Craving: Still red meat
Belly Button In or Out: In
What I Miss: Good sleep, and I know I most likely won’t have it until 2011.
What I'm Looking Forward To: Finding out the gender.
Milestone: Baby Agbai has received his first gift courtesy of Julie M. my best friend since 5th grade – thank you Julie!: