Sunday, November 21, 2010


Sundays and Wednesdays are Nia's bath days. I know they always say give baths at night as part of a baby's bedtime routine, but I prefer morning baths. Perhaps when Nia turns 4 months and we start sleep training we'll switch to nighttime baths.

I keep a washcloth on her tummy to keep her warm


  1. She is just soooo cute!! I just want to kiss that little face all over and those chunky legs are just to adorable! :) I always love how a baby smells after a bath. :)

  2. Thank you Julie! Yes, I kiss her all the time and I especially like how "cupcakey" she looks at bath time. I could just eat her up!

  3. Nana loves you Nia. I miss the lovebirds.
    Can't wait to see y'all in two weeks!
