I made pancakes and bacon for breakfast then we headed to a playgroup/coffee meet-up. I usually go alone with Nia but Uka's gone a couple times before. Nia was happy to have her daddy there with her and the other kids were excited for the novelty of having a dad there too.
After the playgroup we headed to the Pole Position Raceway which was Mr. Love Bird's idea for his birthday. Neither of us had been before and it was fun to try something new! {I have to give a shout out to the Babysitter Exchange out here for help with childcare for Nia - what a great service!}
I wasn't too sure how I'd like it and felt claustrophobic at first with the helmet on but after our first race in which I was painfully slow and placed 5th, I kicked it up a notch for the next race and placed 2nd, beating Mr. Love Bird - who is SUPER competitive, but had a bad spin out (I shaved about 7 seconds off my avg lap time too!). They had warned us about not hitting the guard rails which would stop the race and I was so nervous about that the first time (hence my slowness!) especially since that's what always happens when I play racing video games (I SUCK at Mario Kart!), but I only barely bumped into them once!
After, I was hoping to take Mr. Love Bird to Taqueria on recommendation of Smith & Ratliff, but sadly they were closed for lunch so we headed to our favorite local diner. We've never been disappointed with anything on the menu there, but we have to say the brownie sundae was not good =( It looked great but the brownie was rock hard as though it was overcooked. Oh well! At least Nia had fun helping her daddy blow out the candle and feeding him ice cream!
It was a great birthday for Mr. Love Bird, and I think racing might be our new hobby (there's a track too in Las Vegas so I think we'll check it out in between the Blogalicious conference in September!).