Thursday, June 21, 2012

Product Junkie's Throwback Love Affair

I've always had an addiction to drugstores. I love toiletries and can easily get carried away simply running into CVS or Duane Reade for just a tube of toothpaste and walking out with $50 worth of products. In college I had a bad, bad shopping habit at CVS getting caught up spending hours going up and down the aisles multiple times each month. 

I was reminiscing over some of the products I've grown up with such as Bonne Belle Lipsmackers (btw I loathed the Dr. Pepper flavor) and Love's Baby Soft (I went through a period in college when I wore it again as I did when I was a child), which can still be found in drugstores. Besides standard drugstores, I also loved going to Bath and Bodyworks, which was headquartered in my hometown. One year in school we even had our holiday party there and all went home with products. I was in heaven smelling of Sweet Pea the rest of the season!

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I'm not really into Bath & Bodyworks, but whenever I visit my parents in Maryland I remember how obsessed I used to be over it because they still are! Yes, my mom and dad are into Bath and Bodyworks - BIG TIME. It's actually kind of fun trying to decide which scent I'll smell like each day and I'm surprised to see how the product line has evolved to be less sugary-scented or should I say, offers more than just the sugary scents (I never could stand vanilla/sugar cookie/icing type scents - YUCK!).

One of my favorite scents was pear and I was bummed when it was discontinued (as was the Kitchen Spice handsoap), but I was elated when I found Victoria's Secret carried it. That was my signature scent for years.

When I was at my parents' on Memorial Day we went to the mall and my mom had some kind of super coupon and shared the wealth with me. That's when I found my new favorite scent:
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After many sniffs I selected the body cream which has shea butter, jojoba oil and smells of "golden apricot, pink peonies and a hint of praline." Sounds divine, right? Well it is! I think this will be my go-to scent for the summer or maybe even bound.

Do you have a throwback love affair with a particular beauty product?