Growing up one of my earliest memories was hearing my parents, especially my mother, praying over me. It wasn't just a bedtime "now I lay me down to sleep" type of routine, it was an all the time routine! She would quote scripture telling me I was the head and not the tail and above and not beneath (Deuteronomy 28:13). It was extremely powerful in forming who I am today.
When I was given the opportunity to review Mark Batterson's Praying Circles Around Your Children it was this legacy that came to mind. It's a quick, yet powerful read - a slim book that can easily be finished in a day, but one that is truly worth revisting.
Batterson uses the folklore of The Circle Maker (also the title of his best-selling book) to share the importance of creating a legacy of prayer for our children and offers five circles in which to do so:
- Circling the Promises of God
- Making Prayer Lists
- Creating Prayer Mantras
- Forming Prayer Circles
- Praying through the Bible
If you're an avid pray-er or just starting I think this book is a perfect fit - it speaks to parents in a conversational tone and will be a book you come back to time and time again.
As Batterson says, "It's time to start circling!"
Would you like a copy of this book? I have two to give away which come with a large sidewalk chalk for your child to symbolize circling them with prayer. Just enter via Rafflecopter below:
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Disclosure: I received this book from the publisher in exchange for an honest review.
Have a good weekend everyone!