Monday, December 2, 2013

Thanksgiving in Maryland (and a Christmas Tree Compromise)

Happy December! We spent Thanksgiving in Maryland with my parents, Grandma Mary and sister Lauren. It was a cozy holiday filled with lots of laughter, food and sleep (felt so good to catch up!). 

My favorite moments from the long weekend . . . 

Greeting Great-Grandma Mary
Nia had to try the turkey before it made it to the table//She loved her special cup!
Stages of hair braiding. I got a lesson from my mom and did a few but still resulted in mostly tears. Nia loved the finished product though!  Sigh...
Finished her Chik-fil-A then slept from this point straight through for 12 HOURS! Most uninterrupted sleep EVER that we've experienced since before she was born. Why oh why isn't there a Chik-fil-A in NYC???

I finally experienced the awesomeness that is Hobby Lobby, and the customers experienced the tall awesomeness that is Mr. Lovebird as he helped retrieve high-up items!
Annnnnd about that tree compromise . . . I got Mr. Lovebird to agree to a real tree, but the issue became tree farm vs. Home Depot. I cautiously agreed to Home Depot and was pleasantly surprised by the quality and price. It wasn't the same tree-cutting experience I grew up with, but it was indeed an experience for Lil Lovebird - she was very excited to help us pick a tree and watch it get wrapped up and strapped onto the car (I'll share pics of it up soon!). Next year though it's the tree farm for sure.

Ready for a full week or are you still in recovery mode like me?