Thursday, June 12, 2014

Getting Creative on the Go With Crayola Doodle Magic Lap Desk

Disclosure: I received a Crayola Doodle Magic Lap Desk to facilitate this review; all opinions expressed are my own. 

My Lil Lovebird is quite the artist and while I tried to persuade her starting around 2 years old to join me in crafting now at almost 4 years old I find she does her best work when I just leave her alone and let her create.

While at Toy Fair this past winter and most recently at TTPM's Spring Showcase I was excited to preview Crayola's latest products including expansion of their Doodle Magic line. With the ability to keep the color on the special paper only, it really puts me at ease knowing scribbles won't end up all over the floors, especially because Nia prefers to stretch out on the floor instead of sitting at her art table to color. 

Nia was thrilled when we received Crayola's Doodle Magic Lap Desk and was mesmerized by how easy it was to erase her projects and recreate over and over again:

The lap desk comes with 4 markers, a wand which contains a special eraser fluid and a cloth to dry it off. I appreciated how there's storage space on the back of the lap desk for the markers and wand eraser, however there's no place to store the cloth. We just try our best to keep tabs on it!

Check out this quick commercial to see Doodle Magic in action: 


While we don't have a car, there are times when we still use a car share program to get around, and the lap desk is really helpful (especially on one-hour long drives to the midwife!), as well as just for quiet time at home. As we're preparing to head to the hospital for Baby Agbai 2.0's birth the lap desk will definitely be coming with us to help keep Nia occupied!

You can purchase the Crayola Doodle Magic Lap Desk (MFRP $24.99) directly from Crayola here (and save 15% when you share via social media!).