Monday, June 5, 2017

My 15th Wellesley College Reunion

I have an eye twitch. 

It's not permanent, but it's definitely linked to stress and anxiety the past few months. There have been two distinct times that I've noticed its temporary disappearance: once when attending Mom 2.0 last month then again this past weekend back at Wellesley College for my 15th college reunion. 

There's something to be said for that. 

Being back on campus was completely uplifting and renewing. I loved my time at Wellesley and the incredible women I met while there. Similar to Mom 2.0 rather than attending a ton of sessions, I was grateful to steal away for meaningful conversations with friends as well as reflective solo time. 

Welcomed by a candy bar in my class color at registration

En route to s'mores to break in the campus' new fire pit

With Dr. Johnson, Wellesley's 1st African-American president (Grayson attended her inauguration with me so this was Nia's 1st time in her presence!)

The solo member of the Class of 1937 kicked off the Alumnae Parade - she's attended 80 reunions #reuniongoals

Crazy to think it was 18 years ago that we met here!

Especially weighing on my mind is what will happen in the next 5 years until my next reunion. I'm plotting and planning...


P.S. I'm over at my daughter's dance recital today (follow along on my Instagram Stories)...she is Wellesley Class of 2033 BTW!