I know many of you saw my Facebook status updates yesterday and today about being on Bravo. Well I had the shoot today and just wanted to keep everyone in the loop. (I'll get started with the Ohio updates hopefully this weekend as I'm waiting for a few folks to upload their pics - ahem!)
Anyway, I'm part of a NYC moms-to-be group and we get e-mails about classes, playgroups and general opportunities. Well, late yesterday afternoon I got an e-mail about an opportunity to be on Bravo. They needed five pregnant women for a show that was to be taped today (talk about last minute!). Because I have a pretty flexible schedule I replied back immediately and said I could do it. Within a couple hours the producer had written me back to confirm what would be required and I was good to go.
The name of the show wasn't disclosed to us at the time but it's a variation of Day in the Life of Rosie, with Rosie being the founder of MomPrep. This center is a mom-to-be and current mom educational studio that just started this year. The show will center around solving mommy issues such as breastfeeding, fitness, support groups and general wellness. Sounds like an awesome idea and what's funny is I had never heard of it and many of the other moms who were there for the shoot hadn't either. I'm all for women owned businesses so I was very happy to participate!
The shoot was from 12-1:30p.m. and we had to sign waivers. We were told to arrive with our hair and make-up done (I was so thankful to have got a new haircut while I was in Ohio this past weekend - more updates to come about that!). Also, we had to bring heels and a yoga outfit. There was another group of moms there who were starting to film first then we were filmed taking part in a lactation class. It was a truncated class for the camera but I learned so much and since I plan to breastfeed Baby Agbai at least until she's one year old, I decided to take the lactation consultant's business card.
She told us about one mom who had expressed 80 oz of milk PER DAY!!! That's more than our carton of OJ - wow! I told my mom about it and she wasn't that surprised. She said you'd be surprised what a woman's body is capable of. The lactation consultant also told us about milk banking, which I had no clue about. Apparently, moms donate extra milk which is then screened and pasteurized then given to needy babies. Who knew?
We had been told prior to the shoot that we would not be speaking but they went ahead and mic-ed us up and we got to speak during the lactation class. We'll have to wait and see if my soundbite shows up.
Overall, the shoot was fun, and it was good to meet other mothers. I'd definitely be interested in supporting MomPrep and the producer of the show said they may need more moms in the future so they will keep our info on file.
Oooh how fun! I can't to see your Bravo debut.