Monday, December 6, 2010

Giving Back: The Fresh Air Fund

Some of the fondest memories I have of growing up in Ohio are playing in my large backyard, exploring the local parks and even enjoying an overnight stay at a farm with my sixth grade class. For many kids growing up in urban areas they don't get to experience these types of things, but The Fresh Air Fund makes it possible.

What is The Fresh Air Fund? 

Established in 1877 The Fresh Air Fund provides urban childresn ages 6-12 with outdoor experiences in upstate New York, with host families as well as career exploration programs. 

Brandon's Story

Brandon Mendoza was just a young child when he first visited the McKnight family in Cape Cod, Massachusetts through The Fresh Air Fund's Friendly Town program. Little did anyone know that the relationship formed that first summer would blossom into a lifelong friendship. To this day, the McKnights remain a constant source of support and love for Brandon and feel that he is now just another member of the family.

How You Can Help 

Now through the end of December I've added a donation button to make it easy for you to donate to The Fresh Air Fund. Here's how even the smallest donation can help:
  • Just $10 will send one child on a bus ride to his or her Friendly Town host family.
  • $24 provides a child with a week of swimming lessons.
  • $42 provides a day of Career Awareness classes.
  • A gift of $50 can fund a camp counselor for a day.
  • If you can give as much as $91, you provide a child at camp with meals for a week.