Sometimes I consider myself an early adopter - a term I've especially become familiar with from my years working in advertising, but I really have to say something about Pinterest.
I don't remember where I first heard about Pinterest, but it's a place to catalog all the things you love (as the site says). I adore my tearsheet binders which took weeks to put together after collecting clippings for years. My ultimate goal was to store everything digitally once we purchased a scanner, but the thought of scanning each sheet and cataloging them seems daunting.
Enter Pinterest.
It does this digitally! I have hundreds upon hundreds of bookmarks strategically cataloged and organized. I am the woman who can find the most random products and pieces of information because of my cataloging system. Case in point: a coworker years ago was asking around the office to see who knew where to find personalized underwear. Someone suggested she come to me and lo and behold, in less than 2 minutes I had a website for her.
Pinterest takes mood boards and socializes them so you can share and swap your ideas. It's AMAZING! I have to admit, currently I only have one item on my Pinterest account (it's this octopus coat hook), but I need to find some time to sit down and start cataloging. The first board I want to delve into headfirst is for Nia's first birthday. I know it's going to come faster than I think!
Anyway, back to the early adopter. . . I went back to my Gmail and found I had requested to be added to Pinterest back on January 6 and was invited to join on January 10. I sat on activating it until a couple weeks ago and now have seen the following blogs suddenly abuzz with talk about Pinterest:
Today's Nest
I Heart Organizing
Young House Love
If you're on Pinterest, please follow me, and I'll follow back!