Sunday, February 26, 2012

On the Horizon . . .

My cutie in the  Dapple Grey Designs skirt she won from Baby Making Machine - not really related to this post but I couldn't help but share it!
I posted before about what I'm looking forward to in 2012, but short term I'm getting excited for some things coming up  . . .
  • Tonight Mr. Love Bird and I will renew our wedding vows at church (then race home to catch the rest of the Oscars - boo for not having DVR!)
  • Having brunch at my new favorite neighborhood spot this weekend
  • Visiting my parents in Baltimore with Nia and my sister Ariane next weekend
  • A NYC-wide Wellesley alumnae event for students of African descent
  • Heading to Foxwoods for Toni Braxton and Babyface's concert with Mr. Love Bird and my BFF (it's my 2nd time overnight trip away from Nia, and she'll be in safe hands with Aunty Ariane!)
  • Celebrating my friends' life events with wedding/showers/birthday parties  

What's on your horizon?


P.S. Make sure you stop back tomorrow for our apartment tour!