Make that two!
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This week I'll finish a Leadership Mastermind Group that I've been a part of for the past 7 weeks, and it has helped to jump start some serious business moves, and I feel like I'm bursting at the seams! {For those of you in the NYC I'll have more details on how you can join this free group's next upcoming session in a post this week}. One of the tenants we studied in the group was that of momentum and even before we got to that lesson I was already feeling its effect. I took one small step a couple weeks ago and since then major things have been happening for me that I can't go into detail about now, but the exciting news is forthcoming.
I now have a Blogalicious "twibbon" on my Twitter profile pic! |
Now back to Blogalicious . . .
I ended up getting my ticket after seeing all the blogging conferences discussions heating up Twitter, and I thought, "Hey why not at least visit Blogalicious' website to see what it's about?" When I did I saw they had 50 tickets deeply discounted as part of an "I Love Blogalicious!" special for 48 hours so I jumped on it. What sealed the deal??? That it's in Las Vegas - one of my ultimate favorite travel destinations (I had written a big hint hint to Mr. Love Bird about it in my BlogHer '12 announcement post!).
So what's so different about Blogalicious? Well what appeals to me is that it celebrates the diversity of female bloggers. As the founder pointed out in this interview:
Women of color tend to be working full-time, doing blogging after hours. It’s hard to get the big campaigns because it’s hard to make those connections. But Blogalicious is not just for women of color. It’s celebrating diversity in blogging, no matter where you’re coming from or what your skill level is.
Check out this trailer for Blogalicious below and see a Flickr set of photos here:
So what's so different about Blogalicious? Well what appeals to me is that it celebrates the diversity of female bloggers. As the founder pointed out in this interview:
Women of color tend to be working full-time, doing blogging after hours. It’s hard to get the big campaigns because it’s hard to make those connections. But Blogalicious is not just for women of color. It’s celebrating diversity in blogging, no matter where you’re coming from or what your skill level is.
Check out this trailer for Blogalicious below and see a Flickr set of photos here:
Looks like fun right?
Are you going to Blogalicious? If so, have you been to Las Vegas before? What are you looking forward to the most? {click here to get early bird tickets - price goes up substantially after May 29th!}