This past Thursday afternoon Nia and I headed over to PS 41 in the Village to check out Schwinn's Helmet on Heads initiative. I had never seen a PS dismissal and boy was it intense! I'm so thankful that I will not be going through that with Nia.
Anyway, with her being 2 now and having a balance bike, we practice helmet safety and she loves her Elmo helmet and the clip on Sesame Street where a helmet puppet repeats, "Not without me!" in a scruffy voice reminding children to always wear a helmet.
She even repeats it herself when it's time to put on her helmet in the same voice making us laugh! Whatever works, I guess. When we're out and about Nia will point out bikes and motorcycles and tell me the rider should have a helmet on. Smart girl!
There was face painting, snacks, bike raffles and helmet fittings. Nia was fitted with a new helmet and cried so hard when the staff person tried to take it off. She wanted to wear her helmet the entire time! This wasn't anything new to me and I explained that this is the same child who insisted on wearing her helmet to nap.
Thank you Schwinn for a fun afternoon!
Disclosure: I was not paid or asked to write this post. I was invited to the event as part of Mom Central. All opinions are my own.