Friday, June 14, 2013

Winner: Thyme Maternity Skincare & Conference Craziness!

We had our first dinner guests over last night since moving into the new place, and these gorgeous flowers they brought me are giving me life!

I'm popping in quickly to announce the winner of my Thyme Maternity skincare line giveaway:

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Congrats Ashley! I'll email you shortly so I can get your information so you can receive your prize. 

Switching subjects. . .
If you follow me on Instagram you've seen I'm attending the Northside NeXT conference, and I'm about to head back out there today. As I mentioned in my big announcement post, I'm working on growing my brand and this conference has been so inspirational. 

Annnnnnd I was just blessed with a ticket yesterday to attend S.H.E. Summit tomorrow! The sold-out conference actually started today, but since I'm finishing up at NeXT I'll just do the 2nd day of the S.H.E. Summit. It's a dynamic conference on women, business and leadership and the speaker line-up and sessions look amazing!

Then next Saturday I'll be at Blogging While Brown (which btw my fabulous sister won a ticket to so she gets to attend with me!)


Have a good weekend everyone, and I'll be back next week to share all the goodies I've learned at the conferences . . .