Monday, December 16, 2013

4 Christmas Parties in 2 Days??? Why Not!

Today's key phrase is . . . RECOVERY MODE!

And yes, I'm trying to be in it as much as I can. We're hurtling toward our first annual family ski trip at the end of the week and while deep down I'm super excited it still hasn't hit me yet with everything else going on around here, but I wouldn't have it any other way!

Anyway, the naysayers said it couldn't be done, but this weekend I managed to attend 3 parties plus Mr. Lovebird and I hosted 1 one of our own all in the midst of Snowpocolyse here in NYC. It was well worth it (and I promise proper DSLR pics and details about our cookie exchange party and Blow-Out to come!) . . .

Party #1: one of my local mom Meetup groups' annual Christmas party

Party #2: Loved returning to Harlem to visit my good friend and college roommate Maria and her family
Party #3: The grand opening holiday part for Blow-Out (formerly Image is Everything which I reviewed here)...So excited to have such a swank spot to get my hair done in Jersey City!
Party 4: Our cookie exchange
Is Christmas party season in full swing where you live? Any juggling of parties going on???

P.S. We also made it to Macy's Santaland for our 3rd annual visit. Let's just say Nia is no longer a fan! I'll share more later, but last year's visit is here.