Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Snacktime with Stonyfield's New Organic Yogurt Pouches

Disclosure: I participated in a Blogger Activation on behalf of Mom Central Consulting for Stonyfield. I received coupons to facilitate my shopping trip and a promotional item to thank me for participating.

Ahhhh the afterschool snack dilemma! It's so easy to remember back to the 22 months I nursed Nia and thinking how far off such a thing seemed, but now almost done with her first year of preschool, it's definitely an issue. I admit it: we've stopped at the donut shop on the route home after school and we've had our share of battles about why we can't have a donut everyday. I explain to Nia it's a treat we eat sometimes and is extra special.

We kinda feel the same way about most traditional yogurt as well - especially the yogurt geared towards kids. We used to buy it a lot, but then I became concerned because of the sugar content. When I was invited to try Stonyfield YoBaby, YoToddler and YoKids, the first refrigerated organic yogurt pouch available, I was very curious to see how they measured up nutritionally and if they tasted good. 

I picked ours up at Whole Foods (you can check here to see where they're available), and compared to the other surrounding offerings the display was nearly ransacked! They weren't on sale or anything so I took that as a good sign. All of the Stonyfield organic yogurt pouches contain pure organic ingredients and never any high fructose corn syrup or artificial flavors. 

Here are the flavors I picked for Nia:

There weren't any YoBaby in stock, but I decided to hold off and try those with later as a mommy taste-test in preparation for Baby Agbai 2.0.

Nia's eye's lit up when she saw her YoKids pouches after school. I explained they were yogurt and at first she was a bit apprehensive and immediately asked that it be squirted into a bowl so she could eat it with a spoon. I got her to try it from the pouch and she ate it slowly but assured me it was good.

The truth?

She had 2! I wanted to try some too and the following day I secretly snagged one, but she stole it from me after only one-sip. Greedy girl! From the little bit I tasted, it is quite good: tangy and smooth and not too sweet. I don't like my yogurt to taste like icing!

I was curious about the difference between the different stages of yogurt and while the YoKids were singular flavors, the YoToddler pouches had both fruit and vegetables in them and I was surprised Nia liked the Strawberry-Beet-Berry flavor as I had never given her beets before. I'm not a fan of beets, but it's interesting how our own biases as parents can deter us from offering certain things to our kids! At her age and especially younger it's important to introduce her to a wide variety of foods.

After 3 days of Stonyfield Nia asked after school if there were more, and when I told her they were unfortunately gone (and she wouldn't even let me have one to myself!) she lowered her eyes in disappointment. I guess I know what I'll be adding to our grocery list next time around!

Be sure to connect with Stonyfield online:

What are your go-to after school snacks? Do your kids love yogurt too?