Tuesday, October 14, 2014

We're Alive in New Hampshire!

Thank you to everyone who's wished us well on our move from NYC-metro to New England. Although it really isn't that far, it's been a really big move for us and I appreciate your patience while I focus on getting my family settled.

We've been here now for officially two weeks as of today and I'm having a hard time remembering to pace myself. This is the prime season to be here and it's GORGEOUS! 

Here's a sneak peek of what we've been up to (I'm heading this afternoon to drop my mom off so she can catch her flight home after a long weekend visit!):

Gray finally stayed awake for story time today!

I have a lot of fun posts on deck (including giveaways!) so be sure to follow on social media (Facebook, Instagram & Twitter) and check back often!

How was your Columbus Day weekend? Are the leaves bursting with color where you are?