Ahhhh you guys are super patient - thank you! While I took Gray's picture on time last month I'm just now getting around to writing the update. Thankfully this little mini-diary has helped me keep track of his updates!
- Baby's Weight: 14lbs, 4oz - again, up a couple pounds since last time!
- Baby's Height: 24 1/4" (gained 1 1/4" since last update)
- What size of clothing does baby wear? 3-6 months fits perfectly!
- Any milestones baby reached during the month: This is almost running into his 4 month update I know, but he started smiling then giggling. He can move 360 degrees in scoot. He has more power than Nia had at the same age - she was a bit more graceful when rolling over and he really just uses his booty power to propel himself. It's kinda scary! He's also consistently sleeping through the night. LOVE it!
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#widdleteef |
- Special outings baby had during the month: Ummmm moving to a new state! Gray's adjusted as well as a teething 3 month old can. He attended his first story time with Nana yesterday and acted like an old pro!
- What are your thoughts about the past month? This has been a huge month for us with the move plus his milestones (two teeth, rolling over and sleeping through the night). He's such a chill baby and I really enjoy seeing his personality start to come through during the rare moments he shouts and screeches at us for attention. He's like a little raptor!
- What was baby's routine? Gray goes down with his sister between 8-9p.m. and sometimes earlier between 7-8p.m. and gets up usually when she does around 7a.m. but will occasionally get up around 3 or 4 to nurse. Thankfully, I still don't feel much sleep disruption because of it. We drive his big sister Nia to school during the time we previously used to walk to school and he will usually fall asleep in the car. He tends to fuss in the car but Nia's good at consoling him before he conks out. While Nia's in school Tuesday-Thursday so far we've joined up with a few other local moms and have attended story time. I'd like to get more into a settled routine and perhaps hit the gym after Nia's drop-off while he's at the childcare provided there. I'd also like to start him on swimming lessons soon as well. All in due time...
- Reflect about the highlights of the month: Getting to visit with Nana was great! She's preparing for a big move soon joining my dad in Texas for his job so I'm glad that while she's relatively close in Maryland she gets to see us (we'll see her as well as my dad, in-laws and siblings when we host Thanksgiving!)
- Did any big changes occur? Besides the big move, Gray goes down in his crib each night since he shares a room with Nia. This happened earlier than I anticipated, and it's been a breeze so we're running with it and so far the entire family is getting good sleep. Woo hoo!
With his beloved Baby Banana Brush! |
- What are baby's favorites - toy, food, person, etc... My sister Ariane got on my case cause I don't have many toys for Gray. He has a Baby Banana Brush that he loves (a giveaway is coming!), a rattle and a play mat. A few other things I've tried he really didn't get into, but I want to get him a jungle gym like the one Nia had (I would've kept it but sadly the giraffe's next broke and it was no longer stable). For now he's entertained watching his big sister when she's not in school. He's also shown an interest in books. While we're still getting acclimated before we moved I'd lay on our backs with he and Nia reading before bed and if he couldn't see he'd fuss at us until he could. I'm excited for his enthusiasm!
- What I'm looking forward to? I'm excited to get into our groove here in New Hampshire. There are so many peers here for Gray and I'm excited for him to meet little buddies! I'm also looking forward to setting up his and Nia's nursery. We have a finished basement so we've relegated all toys there but are keeping books in their room by installing something like this, and I ordered these which I'll display on their wall as well (they seem very New Englandy, and the artist even responded to me!)