Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Last Weekend of April?

This post was started as a weekend recap early yesterday and got away from me  as everything happened in Baltimore and my spirit became worn and I literally shut down. Mr. Lovebird came home from an after-work function to find Grayson awake and I was passed out in bed.

I've since got a second wind and am eeking out this semblance of a weekly recap, but the two things on my heart in the midnight hours that I'm finishing this post are the situation in Baltimore, which is now becoming a familiar scene, as well as the tragedy in Nepal. There are times where in the midst of this blogging feels trivial but then I realize it is a platform for awareness. Each blogger's space is her own and when I see others continue to post about sunshine and rainbows without recognizing the current state of affairs in some even small way part of me gets it, but the other part of me is annoyed. 

So in response to these two issues heavily on my heart there are two ways I'm responding: 1) education and 2) donation. 

If you are confused about what's happening in Baltimore this post by Arnebya Herndon is spot on. 

If you would like to donate to the relief efforts in Nepal, here's a round-up via Time Magazine of ways to do so (thank you Erin Gates for sharing).

Now this is the recap below that I had started earlier . . .

I'm baffled! How do I officially have a 10 month old today and how is it May this upcoming weekend? I feel like I'm still waiting around for spring. It's gray and cold and I'm wondering where the sun is. Ughhh.

Thankfully, I'm heading slightly south to NYC with the kids for a few days this week and it looks like it's gonna be sunny days ahead and I'm excited to see my favorite city in full bloom. I'm hoping I can squeeze in a trip through Central Park!

Anyway, here's a quick snapshot of our last weekend of April:

I was up early on Saturday to attend my first blogging conference of 2015. It was a jam-packed day and having attended many blogging events/conferences I have to say I was quite impressed! I'm excited to be a part of the Boston blogging community.

While I was at the conference my cuties were at the YMCA's kids' day doing adorable stuff like this.

Whenever I visit Boston I love connecting with old friends including my fellow Wellesley sister who is doing outstanding things in her community. I'm so happy for her and it was great to catch up! I couldn't leave my old stomping grounds without grabbing a little snack for the road.

I have a slight addiction to mochi
I came home and swapped kid duties with Uka while he headed out and I seriously just wanted to veg on the couch. I don't even remember exactly what happened the rest of the evening!

Sunday up early for a little mama relaxation, but ended up falling asleep before I could get too deep into my magazine. Happens every time!

Church was a special day as we returned in the evening for dinner theater to support the youth missions. It was such a fun time - they even spoofed this video, which I couldn't believe Mr. Lovebird had never seen O_o!

Mounds of laundry still needing to be folded are up next and getting ready for NYC is always fun, but dealing with the aftermath of resettling? Not so much!

How was your weekend? How are you coping with current events?  

P.S. Grayson's 10 month post is up next . . .