Sunday, January 3, 2016

From Toddler to Teen: Setting New Year's Resolutions with Your Kids

I've partnered up for another CoLab post with blogger Arnitris of Blessed be the Tie to present our tips on how to set New Year's Resolutions with your kids. We have kids ranging from toddlers to teens so we thought this would be a helpful post for you, especially as many of you move beyond resolutions and do actual goal-setting with your kids. 

I'm covering off on the todder/early elementary aged segment and Arnitris' tips for older kids are here.  

Here we go!

1. Assess – as the parent, reflect on how the past year has gone and what you want to accomplish in the new year: reading more books, increased family outings, regularly having dinner as a family etc.. While your child’s verbal skills may still be developing, it’s important to have conversations with them (as this demonstrates)! Try showing them pictures of themselves and talking about what’s happening.

2. Use resources – bringing in tools such as calendars and clocks to help explain time is a great tool especially for early elementary school-aged children. Melissa & Doug has several options to help your children understand the passing of time and in turn can help them set goals.

3. Engage – especially if you have an older sibling, bringing them onboard to get their input will help them feel empowered and have increased responsibility for their younger sibling(s). Ask them what they’d like to see their younger sibling do in the new year and turn it into an art project to make it hands on.

4. Be accountable – have a time to regularly check in and talk about your resolutions and accomplishments; set up a bi-weekly family meeting to talk about your project and look at your progress. Making an ongoing online photo album is a great way to commemorate your resolutions!

5. Show it & celebrate – set up a designated space in your home to showcase your goals; it can be on your refrigerator, or on the back of your children’s bedroom door. Hand-drawn images and affordable drug store prints are easy ways to visualize young children’s progress.

Happy New Year! Do you set New Year's resolutions with your kids or do goal setting? What works for your family?