Monday, April 1, 2019

Online to Offline at Altitude Summit 2019

At The Parker Palm Springs

Blogging conferences have changed. 

In fact I don't even feel comfortable calling Altitude Summit a blogging conference. It's more than that. 

Let me explain...

My first Altitude Summit experience in 2014 was such an aesthetic delight and now 5 years later while it's visually stunning, the beauty is in the connections. 

I mean look at these amazing women (and yes, a few men attend Alt Summit too, but I'm just focusing on the women!):

1st row (l to r): @crownedcanesha, @fromcarpoolstococktails, @cyndiespiegel@cfowlerblog, @fairytalemindy/@rockyourweddingbiz, @five12studio
2nd row (l to r): @goldwestvintage, @bypapergirl, @cheekydays, @lunule365, @thewanderingrumpus, @designmom, @simplytasheena

Altitude Summit was bigger this year not only in sheer attendee size, but expanded programming and venues - it was spread out across 4 properties. 

It was a lot. 

Thank you Lynn of Gold West Vintage for the shot!

I spoke on Sunday, day 1, and encouraged attendees in my session "Having Influence With Your Impact" to:
  1. Educate (themselves)
  2. Amplify (others)
  3. Share (their journeys)
It was a deep session with several women sharing their challenges and solutions with each other. So so good and a HUGE thank you to Gabrielle Blair, founder of Altitude Summit, and her team for giving me the chance once again inspire my fellow influencers to make a difference for good. 

I stayed offsite in a lovely AirBnB with 4 other attendees and ended up abandoning my original ambitious schedule, which I previously lightened as the week went by but did so even more. 

It was worth it. 

The Constant Contact booth had the best photo op!

Altitude Summit brings creative entrepreneurs together with Palm Springs as the backdrop. With so many opportunities to connect the value was simply in opening your mouth, introducing yourself and letting the magic happen. 

I did make it to a few sessions too - here are my favorites:

With Lee and Winter Redd of Hungry Squared Podcast
  • Workshop: Record, Edit, and Post a Mini Podcast Episode
Elle Rowley, founder of Solly Baby

  • Workshop: Mom Boss School - Taking Your Start-up to the Next Level
  • Roundtable: Take It On The Road - How To Make Money From Your Passions By Hosting Workshops & Retreats

  • Woodburning (I absolutely loved the Maker Space at Ace!)

My friend and housemate Elizabeth Quintal of Cheeky Days rocked her panel!

  • Panel: From Opportunity to Impact - How We Can Use Our Platforms For Good

I did make sure to get plenty of field trips in: a couple dinners out including meeting up with a fellow destination wedding friend at the historic Mission Inn in Riverside (we've been online friends for years and finally met IRL for the 1st time last year when I went to Pasadena for Mom 2.0!), and a grand visit to Joshua Tree. Before my red eye I even managed to make it half of my pre-booked hour-long massage - truncated by spending too much time at Joshua Tree, but totally worth it!

Definitely spending more time at Joshua Tree next year! 

Getting back was a beast on a severely delayed flight, but I managed to get the last standby seat on United's last connecting morning flight from Newark (there were 30+ on the list and I was #15). Out of my 3 Altitude Summit experiences, I have yet to make it RT without some kind of travel glitch, but at least now I know to prepare for it, and the experience of the week was well worth it.

In 2020 Alt returns March 1-6 for another full week in Palm Springs! Make sure to sign up for their newsletter here to snag a ticket (there was a pre-sale going at the time of this writing there may be a couple hours left to snag one!)